why not everything?

Yes anything, not everything, but why?

I started this blog because I struggle. I struggle with trying to do it all and it not being perfect. I don't know about you, but I am constantly asking myself is my house clean enough? Is my daughter learning enough? Am I cooking enough,(which leads to is it healthy enough)? Do I work enough? Do I make enough? Am I doing enough? Am I good enough?

The answer is simple. Yes. I am doing enough and I have enough. The problem is Me. Here is where I not only share how I am living my life but also how I am learning through life. Here I can come back and see the time, energy, and love I put into anything I do.

Often times we take what we have for granted, and I am no exception. My house is not perfectly designed and organized, my food choices aren't always the best, I let my daughter watch TV and my marriage goes through some rough days.  The point is, is that I may not be able to do everything I want, but the things I do accomplish are worth appreciating.

In short, everything all the time is exhausting and unrealistic. My hope is to inspire the everyday wife and mother to celebrate the small victories and know that whatever it is that you are trying to do is enough because you are in fact, trying.

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