Thursday, October 3, 2013

Blog schedule

Ok, so being the girl who can do anything can be/get a little chaotic, so now I am going to try and implement a blog schedule.  Because I cover such various topics, and you just never know what's going to be covered on that day but this will allow some consistency. This way, it will not only create a more organized approach for myself, and to whom ever follows.

I am a wanna be stay at home mom. I currently work on average 20 hours a week at my part time job and with the other hours of the day being occupied by my toddler and my upkeep on my home, things can fall through the cracks. I really enjoy my blogging time, so I'm hoping this schedule will help keep everything in order, fingers crossed!

Now for the schedule. Mondays are going to be titled "Make it Monday". I understand that this is still a broad topic, but again, it's really important to me to keep certain priorities in tact and this isn't necessarily final, just for me to keep my sanity. "Make it Monday" will be about anything I make. This can be anything from a craft, a meal, or a dessert, pretty much what I make from the day to day will be blogged on Mondays.

Tuesdays will be titled "Teach it Tuesday". On this day I will go over what wanna be pre-school teachings I do with my 2 year old. Because she is only two, everything I put on here will be triggered towards her age. Should you have a younger or older child don't be turned away just yet. I always post my sources on the material I use and Its almost always free and off the internet where there are always other options for other age groups. I am also hoping that once my laptop gets up and running again, I can start uploading free printables for easier access.

There will be no postings on Wednesday and Thursday. On these days I will be preparing materials for the other days and most likely catching up on house hold chores.

Fridays will be "Faithful Friday". I chose Fridays to talk about my life and struggles with my faith because after a long week is usually when I get my insight, usually. This day wont always be about me either. There are plenty of sources where I get my strength and encouragement so if something tends to really reach me, I might have to share it.

As for Saturdays and Sundays, those are still a toss up for me. Currently those two days is when I work the most and for right now I don't want to overly commit.

Hopefully this helps everyone out.


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